Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Online d20 SRDs

Because sometimes it is just better to have it online, here are two great online sources for your SRD goodness:

The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document)

Modern System Reference Document

Monday, August 01, 2005

How to Sing the Blues

I've been a little less creative than I'd like recently - or perhaps it is truer to say my creativity has been harnessed by my new business. So as a sop to that side of myself here is a link to How to Sing the Blues.

It's a whimsical list of necessary atrributes of both a Blues song and the Blues singer. Thankfully, whilst I love listening to the Blues form time to time, I am grossly unqualified as a Blues singer despite not having all of my own teeth (due to good dentistry, unfortunately).

DO read this list if you ever plan to sing the Blues. DON'T read it if you're the teensiest bit legalistic and want to apply it to every Blues singer you have ever heard (some won't pass!).

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Project Orion have posted a Project Orion Gallery that shows the possible alternate history if nuclear powered spaceflight had gone ahead when originally intended. Admittedly, there is a fair degree of Cold War rhetoric in giving the bomb sizes the ships are carrying ... but it is an interesting glimpse of where things might have gone.

More interesting of course is contemplating what President Bush's renewed funding of nuclear spaceflight is like to bring us in the near future. Imagine a spacecraft taking off with virtually no weight limitations, and a much, much cheaper cost per ton of cargo than is currently attainable with chemical boosters.

Personally my bet is that the next big 'dot-com' ('dot-bomb'?) investment phase will be biotech, and the one after that will be space exploitation.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Starfall Playtest Files

Woo hoo! Well it's finally been announced, the Starfall Playtest Files are now available for Moot subscribers.

The nice thing about that is that I am one of the contributors to the Starfall supplement, the adventures set on Arnigi were all done by yours truly. It will be fun see my name in print finally.