Monday, December 06, 2004

Pirates of the Caribbean 2-Disc DVD

I spoiled myself this Christmas and got the Pirates of the Caribbean 2-Disc DVD set. It's been a lot of fun revisiting the world of Captain Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl.

This is the first time that I've found myself interested in a commentary about the movie by the cast and writers. There are three commentaries on the DVD, each of which brings to life a part of the production or the story in a new way.

As a fan it was great hearing the director Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp discuss the highs and lows of the shoot, and it was really funny listening to Kiera Knightley and Jack Davenport with their tongue in cheek commentary.

But as a wannabe writer, the most interesting commentary was that of the four screenwriters, Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio (a team), Stuart Beattie and Jay Wolpert. Having learned a little about fiction writing from Dramatica Pro, it was great fun hearing these writers describe Miss Elizabeth Swann (Kiera Knightley's character) as the protagonist, the trickster archetype shown in Sparrow (light) and Barbossa (dark) and the various difficulties they had (such as letting Will Turner fnd out the name of the Black Pearl's captain).

One of the writers (Jay?) described how he wrote this story originally as his version of Raiders of the Lost Ark, hmmm ... good idea there. Perhaps I could write Pirates of the Caribbean in space? ;-P

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