Friday, February 22, 2008

Dawn over the Northern Beaches

And now, for some poetry ...

Incandescent blazed the Sun,
Gently hot, still wreathed in clouds.
Brazenly the Moon, sat high and opposite,
Gloriously pale, unafraid of being found.
Beautiful the Beaches, long and low,
Gladly awake, justifiably proud.
by Angus McDonald

It's nice to be living somewhere that stirs up the poet in me. The words do not do justice to the beauty of the moment, fleeting as it is, when the Sun first breaches the wall of clouds in the morning and rises over the Pacific Ocean.

1 comment:

Tony Hollingsworth said...

Hey Angus
Your poetry got me thinking how much I'm looking forward to taking my daughter for surfing lessons at Bondi again. 515am up (not easy) 545am at North Bondi, watch the sun come up, shoot a few waves, then breakfast. Its my favourite time of day at Bondi, before the crowds hit, and those sunrises just make everything right don't they?
Tony Hollingsworth